By: Sachin Satishkumar
As reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19, more commonly known as coronavirus, emerged on the date marked December 31st, 2019 with the location tracing back to Wuhan, positioned in the People’s Republic of China. This virus causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV), which influenced the name of coronavirus with COVID and was named COVID-19, since it began in 2019.
Death Toll of COVID-19
The death toll of this pandemic has risen to a colossal 21,300,000 infected globally with the majority of infected taking place in the U.S, with it producing about 5,300,000 contaminated. Furthermore, out of these 21.3 million infections, 767,000 have passed away due to symptoms similar of COVID-19, and 169,000 of those deaths have occurred in the US. In the US, it is seen that over 1,000 deaths occur each day, with that number continuing to rise with surges happening throughout states.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from extremely mild to life-threatening, with some individuals shown to be asymptomatic when they have been confirmed contracting the virus. Symptoms will develop and surface in 2-14 days, and major symptoms that appear are listed in the following to be:
Nausea or vomiting
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
There are many other symptoms not listed that may occur when the disease is acquired, but emergency attention is mandatory when these symptoms of persistent pain or pressure in the chest, inability to wake or stay awake, and bluish lips or face ensue.
Drugs/Vaccines concerning COVID-19
Fortunately, there are drugs that are currently being researched to treat COVID-19, and scientists from the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) discovered that using various drug simulations can help explore a variety of effects and weaknesses that COVID-19 imposes. The weakness they discovered was the protease that COVID-19 contained, which was Mpro, and this enzyme is crucial to the virus’s lifespan and also possesses the ability to replicate itself inside its host cell. A drug that they discovered was called Ebselen, which most surprisingly is a pharmaceutical drug. Ebselen is used to treat various diseases ranging from split disorders to hearing loss and it contains many features which include cell-protective, bactericidal, and anti-oxidative properties. These scientists are using their knowledge to repurpose this drug against the new inhibitors that Mpro has to offer, but progress is taking place
Prevention of COVID-19
While these drugs are being thoroughly researched, actions need to be taken by individuals across the world to make sure that they can prevent getting COVID-19 with simple measures. The first and foremost step is to wear a mask and avoid contact. Wearing a mask decreases the chance of COVID-19 entering one's system, and when avoiding contact, one should be at least 6 feet away from other individuals when going outdoors. The second measure is to wash one’s hands after coming from a public place and to prevent cross-contamination. If water and soap are not available, an alternative would be hand sanitizer with over 60% alcohol to get the intended result, and it is strongly emphasized that one should not touch the eye, nose, or mouth area when having unwashed hands. The last tip would be to always disinfect areas that are frequently used with a household disinfectant and one should make sure they cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue or elbow to avert any germs from becoming airborne.
Effectiveness of Masks
As mentioned before, masks are the primary prevention device that one should use when going out as they can act as a barrier for one’s respiratory droplets as it obstructs any pathway to allow those droplets from making its way through the air where others can inhale it. There are various masks that are used, but by far the one of most effective to be seen is the N95 respirator which prevents more than 95% of minute particles and provides an efficient filtration system for any airborne particles. The other mask that is as effective is a surgical mask as it has the similar filtration efficiency with other features such as fluid resistance and biocompatibility. One should use any of these masks for the best results, as other masks may increase the risk.
Without question, COVID-19 has been one of the most impactful pandemics to occur in our modern world. With no definite vaccine, many people are suffering such as the individuals ailing with old age as they have an increased risk of the virus. But with the progress of vaccines, there is hope for a better future, and with proper prevention actions, we can ensure that in the present, we can stay safe and prohibit COVID-19 from taking more lives.

Caitlin M. Dugdale, M. (2020, August 11). Filtration Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Availability of N95 Face Masks for COVID-19 Prevention. Retrieved August 18, 2020, from
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). (2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020, from
How to Protect Yourself & Others. (2020, July 31). Retrieved August 15, 2020, from
Stephanie Soucheray | News Reporter | CIDRAP News | Aug 13, 2. (2020, August 13). US sees highest COVID-19 daily death toll since May. Retrieved August 18, 2020, from
Symptoms of Coronavirus. (2020, May 13). Retrieved August 18, 2020, from